
Do I Atill Need To Register A Drone

It is a legal requirement in the UK that drone pilots or operators are registered with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). This reqirement became police on 30th November 2019.

The CAA drone registration service requires those who own or wing a drone in the United kingdom to annals and pass an online safety test. You will need to renew your registration every year at:

Register drone infographic-1

We've made this handy infographic to show exactly what you need to do if you own or fly a drone in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Just click on the paradigm to encounter the full size version.

You can discover out more information and annals at

Do I need to register my drone?

If your drone is over 250g and you intend to fly in the UK then you lot will need to annals as an operator or airplane pilot (or both) on the CAA'southward website.

Practise I demand to annals my drone if it'southward only a hobby?

Yes. All drone and model aircraft pilots, whether hobbyist or professional, must annals.

How much is  drone registration?

Registration is £ix. You lot might also demand to pass an online safety exam.

I'm a professional person drone pilot - practise I nonetheless need to take the test?

Peradventure. It depends whether you are named under your company's permissions (known equally PfCO). It's best to check with on the CAA website.

Do I need to register each of my drones?

Drone registration works past registering the pilot, not each individual drone. You'll exist assigned a flyer ID and / or and Operator ID. It doesn't matter how many drones y'all take - there's just one payment.

Who exercise I accept to annals equally a drone airplane pilot with the CAA?

The CAA have regulatory jurisdiction over all civil aircraft in UK. Drone registration is a way for them to keep track of all pilots and operators within the UK, ensuring that all registered pilots empathise how to stay condom while flying and know the rules governing drone use.

It also allows the CAA and other authorities to admission the appropriate paperwork if whatever questions arise in the day to solar day undertaking of your work using drones.

If yous're a commercial pilot, information technology could give your clients extra confidence that you are a trustworthy and legal operator.

What if I lose my drone?

Equally part of the registration scheme, the CAA have set up a website called Drones Reunited. Those who have lost a drone can report it missing, and those who accept found one tin can upload the details onto the site. If your operator ID is displayed on your drone information technology'll make information technology much easier to reunite you with your lost tech.

IF you have any other questions, or to annals, head over to the CAA website at:

Do I Atill Need To Register A Drone,


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